New In-House Offers
We have updated our in-house offers page with the latest high performing niches and brands for you to monetise your traffic with. Boasting a portfolio of over twenty offers [...]
clairemc12023-04-25T16:30:24+00:0023 November, 2021|
We have updated our in-house offers page with the latest high performing niches and brands for you to monetise your traffic with. Boasting a portfolio of over twenty offers [...]
clairemc12021-11-02T15:45:28+00:002 November, 2021|
We are excited to announce the launch of our newest video series, Digital Insights, hosted by our Acquisition Team. They will be providing monthly videos with valuable tips and [...]
clairemc12020-11-05T17:25:24+00:005 November, 2020|
A guide to running your campaigns during a Covid Christmas… It’s hard to believe that the festive period is nearly upon us after what’s been a testing and difficult year [...]
clairemc12020-09-10T15:51:57+00:0010 September, 2020|
Anna, our digital marketing manager has built up a wealth of knowledge over the years on how to successfully run Google Ads within the online dating sector. We spoke to [...]
clairemc12020-08-13T10:24:22+00:0013 August, 2020|
Improving your quality score with CTR (Click Through Rates) If you have a passion for digital marketing and have creative ideas to serve the online dating industry, check out our [...]
clairemc12020-07-29T14:40:15+00:0029 July, 2020|
Tim has left his Google account for a few days to let it gather data and send him traffic. He now looks at performance of the campaigns and moves on [...]
clairemc12020-02-11T14:34:28+00:0015 January, 2019|
Acquisition Insights - Fetish Friday This Friday 18th January, the BDSM community celebrate their sexual fetishes on International Fetish Day! This day started in the UK, however has now become popular [...]
clairemc12020-02-06T10:47:16+00:0019 October, 2018|
To build the new Parallel Tracking links, we have created a tool to make the switchover as easy as possible. This step by step guide will assist you with creating [...]
clairemc12020-02-06T10:47:38+00:0028 August, 2018|
If you have been struggling to keep a consecutive Click-Through Rate on your Google Ads Campaigns and feel like the stats aren’t improving, why not try using keywords that are [...]
clairemc12020-02-06T10:48:54+00:0016 May, 2018|
We all know how frustrating it can be when a campaign doesn’t deliver the success we hoped for and it can sometimes be difficult to identify where the problem is. [...]