Unless you have been living under a rock you will be aware that with the EU the GDPR Data regulations come into force. This is just some advice on what you need to do to your sites in order to prepare for this sweeping change to the handling of data.
What do you need to do to your sites?
Nothing, zilch, nada, rien!
What will we be doing?
We will be informing all new and existing users of our sites about their new rights with regards to GDPR.
Active consent
All new and existing members will not be able to use the platform without active consent and we will enforce this when members log into the site.
This is implemented at the platform level so even if you host your own signup forms we will ensure that the active and informed consent is received before they can use the site.
Right to withdraw consent
Members will be able to withdraw consent to use their data using a single button from their membership page.
Right to user’s data
We are introducing a download button to the Membership page where users can instantly download a copy of all the data we hold on them. This is similar to features on social media sites like Facebook.
Data Retention
We have updated our data retention policies and this will be in place by May 25th 2018.
We think these regulations are sensible, consumer friendly and likely to be the new global standard for good consumer data practice. For this reason we will introduce these features globally on the platform even for members outside the EU.
It should not impact your business and might prove beneficial if it boosts consumer confidence to upload data.
It’s been keeping us busy for the last few weeks but it means you can relax. For any queries please contact your account manager.
We’ve got you covered!
Many thanks
The HubStars Team